Self-Leadership Lab,
your next step towards yourself.

Visualize and manage your professional development

Our services
image section hero self leadership lab

What can you expect from Self-Leadership Lab ?

Our aim

Self-Leadership Lab gives each manager the means to become aware of his/her roles as well as his/her values,

And above all the energy and confidence to take his or her place in his or her professional life.

Your outcome

Clarity about your added value.
The keys to your fulfillment and your professional impact.

3 scenarios for your professional development.
The self-confidence for implementing them.

Our support to your development

Our 360° questionnaire (360 by SLL) diagnoses the potential roles you have the potential to play.

The Self-Leadership program clarifies your personal compass and translates it into viable projects.

Our Founder

photo de jean yves mercier créateur de self leadership lab

An expert in change management and potential development, Jean-Yves Mercier navigates with agility between the academic world and the private sector.

A former HRD of international groups, he is now CEO of Self-Leadership Lab and Director of the Executive MBA program at the University of Geneva.

Passionate about transmission, he has developed interactive and innovative pedagogical methods that allow each person to become fully involved in their professional commitment.

These methods are now used in more than 15 countries.

Jean-Yves Mercier

“Personal development is about connecting with yourself. Professional development is about connecting to your environment in order to contribute and grow.

This is what I devote my energy and experience to: helping everyone to combine meaning and impact. ”

From origins to excellence

What makes us different
A major pedagogic innovation

The first elements of the Self-Leadership program appeared in 1995, while Jean-Yves Mercier wrote his PhD thesis. New pedagogies were developed In order to support autonomy, initiative and responsibility for managers.

For 13 years, they were refined through action. Then, in 2008, the students of the Geneva Executive MBA made a request. Faced with a changing world, they felt responsible for managing their own careers. And they didn't know how. The research means of the University came into play. Didactic video allowed an iteration of individual questioning and group coaching. The Self-Leadership program was born. It was since then continuously developed, for individuals as well as for companies.

Since then, more than 2'000 people have benefited from the Self-Leadership program with a 92% success rate.

le voyage self leadership lab
An experiential journey to identify your foundations step by step

- Alternating between individual reflection - guided by e-learning - and collective coaching.
- Deepening multiple personal dimensions to identify coherences and paradoxes.
- Confronting personal aspirations and professional realities
- Visualizing one's potential through the design of 3 development scenarios.

See more

Our clients

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Our partners

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logo advaloris
logo pme coaching
logo martine corthésy
logo fédération des entreprises genève
logo hypsologo jmg formation
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logo proman
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logo business science institute

Our community

photo témoignage self leadership lab

Rechercher la difficulté, non pas le danger. Aller de l’avant, tenter, oser. Dans l’audace, il y a de l’enchantement. Self-Leadership est un voyage intérieur pour se tourner vers l’extérieur. Grâce à cette méthodologie stimulante, je me suis positionnée dans le respect de qui je suis et de ce dont mon entreprise avait besoin. Ce qui a permis l’ouverture de ma direction pour ma nouvelle fonction.

Marielle, Cadre dans les Soins à Domicile, Suisse

témoignage javier

Ce parcours, structuré pour nous inspirer, m’a mené de "qui je suis ?" à "comment comprendre le reste ? », avec un accent final sur "où est-ce que je veux aller ensuite ?". Au cours de ce merveilleux voyage, vous comprendrez comment utiliser votre propre boussole pour ne pas vous perdre pour le reste de votre vie !

Javier, Risk Manager dans la Finance, Suisse

photo témoignage self leadership lab

Le fait de prendre du recul dans un processus structuré m’a permis de prendre conscience d’éléments importants dans mon mode de …

photo témoignage self leadership lab

Self-Leadership m’a permis de me concentrer sur moi et d'identifier mes objectifs de vie. Chaque fois que je réalise que j’ai atteint l’un de ces objectifs, je ressens une joie et une confiance presque surréalistes. Face à un monde incertain, je sais que je peux compter sur la force de mes décisions.

Ash, Chercheur et Entrepreneur, USA

photo témoignage self leadership lab

Self-leadership fut une expérience de curiosité, de questionnement et d'authenticité. J'y ai appris que de maîtriser ma vie ne passe pas par le contrôle, mais par la remise en question régulière, l’intégration des changements de mon environnement et l'acceptation de mes limites du moment. Prendre conscience de moi comme de mon eco-système m'a permis d'affronter mon prochain challenge.

Laura, DRH dans les Travaux Publics, Suisse

photo témoignage self leadership lab

Ce module de self leadership fut un voyage formidable dans les deux sens, aller et retour, L’aller avec soi-même et le retour accompagné par l'autrui. Ceci m’ a permis de revoir les choses d’autres cotés et de manière plus profonde. Je me trouve plus conscient du soi comme du soi par rapport aux autres. Et stimulé dans ma motivation pour me diriger afin de mieux diriger les autres.

Mokhtar, Directeur Approvisionnements, Tunisie

Our guarantee

2 920

participants have already benefited from the Self-Leadership program
la garantie photo self leadership lab


satisfaction rate among executives


of action plans implemented within 18 months after the program


of the working groups continue to grow together after the training


of participants recommend Self-Leadership

Our network

photo ingo bionda, associé self leadership lab


Business Development
photo cristina rudareanu, associée self leadership lab

Cristina Rudareanu

Business Development
photo guy gimenez, associé self leadership lab


Product Management
photo emmanuel josserand, associé self leadership lab

Emmanuel Josserand

photo martine corthésy, coach self leadership lab

Martine Corthésy

photo yves constantin, coach self leadership lab

Yvan Constantin

photo soumaya benletaifa, coach self leadership lab

Soumaya BenLetaifa

Canada and Africa
photo philippe poirot, coach self leadership lab

Philippe Poirot

photo patricia schwartz, coach self leadership lab

Patricia Schwartz

photo jean marc guscetti, coach self leadership lab

Jean-Marc Guscetti
